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 Mindful Meditation for Brain Health

Introduction to Mindful Meditation

Meditation is a form of alternative medicine that has been associated with a number of benefits, specifically to the individual’s mental health, such as decreased stress levels and improved mood. Mindfulness, in particular, is a form of meditation that involves intense concentration and focus on the present.

Mindful meditation requires awareness of one’s thoughts and actions in the present, putting aside all thoughts of the past and the future. (Click on Articles-Featured Articles to read more)






Acupuncture is recognized as an incredible healing method. Many people hate being on the receiving end of a needle, however,acupuncture is a needle treatment that has taken the world by storm, and being used even by people who hate needles.
Acupuncture is similar to acupressure. The ancient Chinese healing practice began to grow in popularity in the late 20th century in
the United States, as well as Western Europe, Canada and other westernized nations.Acupuncture helps to create the same clearing of blocked meridians as acupressure. However, in this case, small needles areinserted to very specific depths at your meridian points, with the hopes that this will clear your energy channels, whose blockagehas led to some type of health condition.Acupuncture is also receiving recognition from the traditional medical community becausethe healing and benefits are more often than not, profound and undisputed.A key component in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), acupuncture is most commonly used for pain relief, although it is also effective for treating various other conditions, suchas lower back pain, shoulder stiffness, knee pain, and other musculoskeletal problems. It has even been shown to effectively treatsymptoms of depression, nausea and vomiting, arthritis, headaches and insomnia. The conditions which are treatable with thisancient Eastern healing practice are virtually limitless.Other people use acupuncture to help them quit addictions, such as smoking. This has proved successful for many patients.

Ancient Medicine Works in Modern Times

Yin and Yang and The Qi Life Force

Traditional acupuncture holds the belief that the universe and the body are like yin and yang, two opposing forces of nature that,when in balance, create harmony (when the universe and the body are in balance, the body is healthy). There is also the belief that a life force, known as qi, circulates throughout the body in lines called meridians through the body's primary organs.
When these energy channels are "blocked", or when pain and discomfort start to plague a certain area of the body, thin, stainless
steel needles are used to relieve the pressure, unblocking the channels and letting the qi flow freely through the body once more.
This ancient healing method has been shown to increase energy and improve sleep and digestion. Acupuncture can also improve
the functions of the nervous, endocrine and immune, cardiovascular, and digestive systems, and thus improving one's overall senseof being.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has stated that "promising results have emerged" regarding using acupunctureto treat nausea and other chemotherapy side-effects. They speak of acupuncture as an effective treatment for pain associated withdental procedures, and suggest it may have uses for treating addiction, such as smoking, carpal tunnel syndrome, low back painand other health conditions.Accordingly, acupuncture is consistently being adopted as an alternative but complementary practice by traditional, conventional doctors and caregivers. As with many alternative healing practices, the modern medical community stops short of  endorsing acupuncture for healing. Although there have been undoubted and recorded cases of amazing healing from acupuncture over thousands of years.

Acupuncture Sessions

According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, otherwise known as the Mayo Clinic, a typicalacupuncture session involves lying completely still while approximately 5 to 20 needles are inserted into the specific points of thebody. They are usually left there for about 2 to 20 minutes with the application of either heat, pressure, or laser light. It is notunpleasant and most patients feel relaxed throughout their acupuncture session.

 Scientific Evidence

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